Generation Z, more popularly known as Gen Z, is about to do something few are sufficiently prepared for: in 2019, Gen Z will surpass millennials to become the most populous generation across the globe, comprising approximately 32% of the population. This will require a fundamental shift in marketers’ attitudes regarding younger consumers. While stories of millennials “killing” specific items, or entire industries, have become downright cliché, it’s fair to say they’ve played a role in the downfall of department stores, chain restaurants, and even bar soap. To ensure brands stay relevant, marketers must understand how to appeal to Gen Z.

How Gen Z differs from millennials

While definitions vary, those born from 1980-2000 are often considered millennials, while those born in 2001 and later are viewed as part of Gen Z. The timing is significant: those belonging to Gen Z “digital natives,” having spent their entire lives inside the digital age. In fact, one of the most crucial differences between Gen Z and millennials is that the latter may have been internet-savvy, but grew up tethered to computers. Gen Z, on the other hand, have been constantly connected, through mobiles and tablets, producing a generation with a short attention span and little patience for waiting. As a result, when designing surveys for Gen Z it is imperative to offer interactive and dynamic surveys that can capture the shorter attention span of a Gen Z user, something that The Logit Group has extensive experience withGamification in survey design

On a positive note, this connection fosters diversity and breeds appreciation of other cultures; Gen Z is willing to consume that which is different.

Somewhat surprisingly, Gen Z are more likely to withhold details about their personal lives, and are more enthusiastic about face to face communication. This indicates they have learned from the previous generation’s mistakes, and suggests they are prepared to strike a balance between the public and the private.

The influence of Gen Z on marketing

According to Forbes, Gen Z accounts for anywhere from 29 to 143 billion USD in direct spending, while 93% of parents say that their children influence household purchases. This ability to sway family spending stems from their capacity to gather information quickly and assimilate that which is important; they rapidly filter through online reviews and know which influencers to trust.

The speed with which Gen Z can process messages to determine whether something is relevant to them, and the ease with which they turn to their mobile devices for information, necessitates a different approach to marketing to this generation. Rather than relying on television spots or static images, brands are likely to focus more on short videos that can be shared easily on social media platforms. And given Gen Z’s unwillingness to make a purchase before seeking its endorsement, companies will need to work hard at building lasting relationships with those who use—and consequently talk about—their products. People_competing_at_Evo_2016

As marketers shift their focus to include Gen Z, marketing research must also adapt its methods. It is crucial that content intended to capture this generation’s attention be responsive, as viewing a page designed only for a larger screen on a smaller device is likely to cause them to click away quickly. And given that teenagers use their phone more than any other device, surveys directed to Gen Z must be optimized for mobile, with larger text and buttons that are easier to click. Researchers should also consider moving beyond traditional static surveys. For example, marketers already know that gamification attracts Gen Z consumers; using the same strategy in surveys may increase retention rates and result in higher completion numbers.  

How brands can become ambassadors to the Gen Z generation

A repeated theme in articles comparing Gen Z with millennials is that members of the latter are far more likely to be brand loyal. Gen Z, who grew up with a more frugal mindset, will often rather make statements based on their individuality—and, of course, what will attract the approval of their social media followers. This makes marketing to Gen Z a unique challenge.

It can be done, however. What is crucial here is to focus on authenticity. While millennials may have brought the concept into the fore, Gen Z demands it move beyond a buzzword. It’s no longer enough for a brand to post their value statement on their website; instead, companies must live out their mission. One way to convey that mission is through long term partnerships with a variety of influencers, using a number of platforms like YouTube, Instagram and Twitch. It’s also essential that these campaigns target individuals; making use of AI can help create personalized messages that appeal to members of Gen Z. By directly engaging Gen Z through messages that proclaim a business’s values—and by ensuring these values are upheld throughout the company—brands will be able to cultivate the generation’s loyalty.

If your company is interested in reaching the Gen Z segment, reach out to us here.

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